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Meet Rabbi Arush

2 min

Meet Rabbi Shalom Arush, founder of Chut shel Chessed Institutions, and learn about his amazing story!

Close-up with Rav Arush

We often read his articles and books, but there's something very special seeing Rabbi Shalom Arush in person. Learning from our teacher this way makes a much deeper impression…

The Road to Freedom

During the Seder, we are commanded to feel that we were personally liberated from Egypt. This takes real effort over time - how can we feel liberated when we're in such chaotic times?

Helping From a Distance

Many people who live outside of Israel have come to volunteer time and expertise during the war. Volunteering made them participants rather than spectators. What can those who cannot make the trip do to help?

It’s a Wrap

How can a woman get to the point where she is willing to cover her hair? She faces such opposition from within and without. Read the true story of one woman’s amazing journey.

You Flunked the Test!

A merciful teacher might let a student who flunked a test do a re-take. The Jewish people are getting a “re-take” of the days of repentance right now!

Orphans in Captivity

UPDATE- November 30 AM.  All children have been released EXCEPT Ariel and Kefir Bibas. Hopefully, they are alive and will soon be released to their families. What lessons can we learn to cope with such pain?

You Get What You Ask For

The world is increasingly dangerous for Jews and supporters of Israel. How can we protect ourselves? Let’s take our enemies’ message to heart and grab our weapons!